Policies, Procedures & Registers (PPR)

Controlled Documentation Procedure (5 Year Plan);

This document gives a definitive list of all controlled Procedures, Policies and activities adopted by the Parish Council, the dated adopted, responsible individual and the next review date.

1. Standing Orders;

The Parish Council must operate under certain procedures which are defined by legislation.

Lockington Parish Council have resolved to adopt the NALC Model Standing Orders (2018). 

The Standing Orders can be downloaded by selecting the link to the right of this page. Alternatively, the Clerk can provide you with a copy.

2. Code of Conduct;

All Parish Councillors must sign a 'Declaration of Acceptance' form for the office of which they hold. This includes an undertaking to adhere to the Code of Conduct of Lockington Parish Council. 

Lockington Parish Council have resolved to adopt the ERYC (2021) Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct can be downloaded by selecting the link to the right of this page. Alternatively, the Clerk can provide you with a copy. 

3. Financial Regulations & Financial Risk Assessment
The Parish Council must operate under strict financial control as defined by legislation.
Lockington Parish Council have resolved to adopt the NALC Model Financial Regulations 2019. A financial risk assessment is also used to ensure the Parish Council have controls in place for all financial risks.
The Financial Regulations & Financial Risk Asesment can be downloaded by selecting the link to the right of this page. Alternatively, the Clerk can provide you with a copy.
4. Asset Register & Assessment Risk Register;
The Parish Council must be able to clearly identify its assets, location of said asset's and the financial worth of the assets. These assets must be insured and a Risk Assessment of these assets must be carried out annually.

The Asset Register and Asset Risk Register can be downloaded by selecting the link to the right of this page. Alternatively, the Clerk can provide you with a copy.

5. Lockington Emergency Plan
All major emergencies (road accidents, fires, severe weather, flooding, medical emergencies) are dealt with by the Emergency Services, Local Authorities, Health Agencies, Utility Companies and Voluntary Agencies in a combined and coordinated response, and it is highly unlikely that we as Lockington Parish Council would ever need to get involved. However, it is recommended that communites have an emergency plan to ensure good communication in such an emergency.
The Emergency Plan can be downloaded by selecting the link to the right of this page. Alternatively, the Clerk can provide you with a copy.
6. Health & Safety Plan
The Parish Council must be able to clearly identify any hazards and risks associated with the work it undertakes on behalf of the Parishioners of Lockington. Where risks are identified, controls must be put in place to mitigate the risk.A personal risk assessment must then be carried out prior to start of any work.
7. Data & Document Retention
The Parish Council recognises that the efficient management of its records is necessary to comply with its legal and regulatory obligations and to contribute to the effective overall management of the Parish Council.This procedure details the agreed requirements to carry out effective management of this process.
8 . Transparency Code for Small Authorities
The Parish Council does not have a stand aloneTransparency Code, but fully complies with the Government Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities (link attached).
9. Scheme of Publication
The Parish Council does not have a stand alone Scheme of Publication, but fully complies with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 issued by the Information Commissioners Office (link attached).
10. Equal Opportunities Policy
The Parish Council does not have a stand alone equal opportunities policy but adopted ERNLLCA/NALC policy version. It is a statement of organisational procedures and practices which provide genuine equality of opportunity for all employees, regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, marriage, religion, sexual orientation or disability.
11. Grants & Donations Policy
This policy details the requirements that a public body has to take to comply with the Local Government Action 1972, Section 37. This policy allows a local authority to spend a limited amount on activities for which it has no specific power, but which the authority considers 'will bring direct benefit to the area, or any part of it or all of some of its inhabitants'. 

Any complaints regarding the conduct of Councillors should be made in writing and addressed to Mathew Buckley, Monitoring Officer, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 9BA or emailed to standards@eastriding.gov.uk

The complaint must include the following criteria;

  • Name and contact details of the complainant.
  • Name and contact details of the respondent.
  • Detailed description of the breach in the Code of Conduct.