Lockington Parish Council feel it is invaluable to publicise the Minutes of our meetings in order that residents and visitors alike can keep up to date and well informed with all aspects of Parish Council business.
Copies of Minutes can be viewed at the following locations;
1. On this web site (link on the right hand side of this page).
2. Village Notice Boards in both Lockington and Aike.
3. As email attachments from the Clerk (you will need to register with the Clerk).
4. In person from the Clerk (by appointment).
Our Standing Orders dictate that the Unconfirmed Minutes (Draft) must be available not later than 28 days after the said meeting.
Confirmed Minutes will be posted on the web site when the Unconfirmed Minutes have been duly reviewed and approved by the Parish Council and signed by the Chair as a correct record of the meeting.